Written By: Alora Yee
“The God who made the world and everything in it, who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by human hands,”
(Acts 17:24)
Many scriptures mention the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, and many calls in the Bible to take care of the temple in which the Holy Spirit resides. These are calls to attitude and action as we know submission and obedience are proof or fruit of a Christian’s walk in the way of the Lord.
I’d like to share how this attitude and action, or lack thereof, can affect our walk with Christ in the marriage bed. You may be thinking, that’s a far stretch. But hear me out.
Seven years into our marriage, I thought, this must be what everyone was talking about, the seven-year itch (when your husband doesn’t want the same ol’ bride anymore but longs for something new). To be honest, our intimacy had plummeted, and I was worried, as my flesh would have me believe that something was wrong with me. I must have been the problem!
Throughout our marriage, my husband has had many back issues. His first instinct was to push through them. Then he started taking it easy, like really taking it easy. And unfortunately, due to this approach, he experienced muscle atrophy and an imbalance in hormones which affected our intimacy.
There were times I thought he just used it as an excuse. There were times I knew he was in so much pain. I thought, “Is this the way my husband will be for the rest of his life?” It made me grow tremendously as I started to seriously face the facts of what our intimacy would look like moving forward.
But then, it was a surgeon who told my husband to start doing deadlifts and working out consistently. Starting small, of course (I don’t recommend this to everyone as this is a case-by-case diagnostic, I’m sure!), and little by little, my husband started gaining strength. His posture improved, his energy levels were through the roof, and if you don’t mind me adding, I didn’t think he had a seven-year itch anymore.
Why does this matter?
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1)
God wants our hearts and attitudes to be in submission to Him first and foremost and with the right intentions to serve His will and not our own. What always follows are the actions that come from a healthy submission to the LORD.
This is everything from serving our household, serving our spouses, our local church… all of it! We need energy to do these things. We must take care of this physical temple, our body so that when the Holy Spirit prompts us to go out and DO, we are capable.
If you are struggling spiritually, emotionally, or even have physical pains in your body that are hindering you in ways that you know you can do something about… here’s your sign to start today. Even ten minutes a day. Start walking, start swimming, start dancing if you are able! Do all you are able to do for the Lord, knowing that when you take care of this temple, God will take care of the rest, and every relationship and every deed God calls you to, will be blessed because of it, and God will be glorified in it.
Not all circumstances are ones we have to convince ourselves we must live in. I hope this encourages you today.
Written By: Alora Yee