Clarissa Mangaran
- Pray for their Salvation – John 10:28
- “Lord, Your Word says that You give us eternal life, and we will never perish, and that no
one will snatch us out of Your hand. I pray that You give [child’s name] eternal life, that
[child’s name] will never perish, and that no one will snatch [him/her] from Your hand. I
pray You open their eyes to their need for You, and give them the desire to accept
Jesus as [his/her] Lord and Savior.” - Pray for them to love His authority – Matthew 28:18
- “Lord, Your Word says that Jesus came and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to Me.’ I pray that [child’s name] submits to Your authority. Help me to
abide in You so that I can lead and discipline in a way that properly reflects Your glory to
encourage [him/her] to love Your authority. Keep me from provoking [child’s name] to
anger that could lead to [him/her] resenting Your authority.” - Pray for them to have tender hearts toward Jesus – Ezekiel 36:26-27
- “Lord, Your Word says that You will give us a new heart, and a new spirit. It says that
You will remove the heart of stone from our flesh and give us a heart of flesh. That
will put Your Spirit within us, and cause us to walk in Your statutes and be careful to
obey Your commands. I pray that give [child’s name] a new heart and a new spirit. I pray
that You remove [his/her] heart of stone and give [him/her] a heart of flesh. I pray You
put Your Spirit within [child’s name] and cause [him/her] to walk in Your statutes and
that [he/she] is careful to obey Your commandments. Help me to obey Your commands
so that I am setting a godly example for my child.” - Pray that they are fertile soil for the seed of Christ to take root – Matthew 13:23
- “Lord, Your Word says that what is sown in good soil, the one who hears the word and
understands it, he indeed bears fruit and yields a hundredfold, or sixty, or thirty. I pray
that [child’s name] is fertile soil for the seed of the Gospel. I pray against anything that
would attempt to make [his/her] soil rocky or full of thorns. I pray the seed of the Gospel
takes root and that Christ is the living water that nourishes their roots to grow deep and
strong so that no matter what trials come [his/her] way in life, their faith in Jesus does
not waiver. I pray that seed takes root and [child’s name] bears the fruit of the Spirit, and
[he/she] reflects Your glory to a broken world in need of a Savior - Pray that God gives them the desires of His heart – Psalm 119:33-40
- “Teach [child’s name], O Lord, the way of Your statutes; and help [him/her] to keep it to
the end. Give [child’s name] understanding, that [he/she] may keep Your Law and
observe it with [his/her] whole heart. Lead [child’s name] in the path of Your
commandments. Help [child’s name] to delight in You so that the desires of [his/her]
heart align with Your heart, Lord. Incline [child’s name]’s heart to Your testimonies and
not to selfish gain! Turn [his/her] eyes from looking at worthless things; and give [him/her
life in Your ways. Confirm to Your servant Your promise, that You may be feared. Turn
away the reproach that [he/she] dreads, for Your rules are good. Behold, [child’s name]
longs for Your precepts; in Your righteousness, give [him/her] life!”
** Pray the same prayers for your children’s friends now and in the future. Pray the same
prayers for your children’s future spouses, who are most likely alive right now somewhere in the
world. Pray that their future spouse’s parents are raising them in a godly home and that they
are teaching them to love God’s Word. Pray for their Salvation!