Written By: Kari Dickson

Have you ever been part of a story that has so many details that you don’t want to talk about it with anyone because it will just lead to too many questions, too many judgments, too many misunderstandings? I have. I am. There are genuinely situations and circumstances in life that I can only talk to Jesus about. Stories that have so many layers and facets that no one person could give me the time to hear the whole thing and understand fully with the exception of my counselors, but I’m buying their time. Some stories are just too personal, involve other people, and are ongoing. When our stories go beyond ourselves, we can’t expose all the details at the risk of exposing the other person who isn’t ready for that, who isn’t to a point where they are willing to share yet. Their story of healing, restoration, and redemption is still being written. You must keep quiet until they’re ready…until their story is complete.

When will this story come to completion? It may not be this side of heaven. But I know God is faithful to complete what He has started, and in this story that isn’t ready to be told, God has started something. I can’t see all that He has done because I am only a piece of the puzzle. But I can tell you that He has used this story to grow and shape me into His likeness more than I ever imagined it would.

This didn’t happen by accident. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get through my part of the story without God showing me how. And I know I won’t be able to continue getting through this story without His Truth and guidance. I keep praying. I keep being renewed by His Word. I keep repeating the Truth and clinging to His promises in His Word. Through all of this, He is showing me how to trust Him, draw strength from Him, seek answers in Him and more. When parts of the scroll of our life are affected by others’ actions, we can’t change their script, but we can allow God to continue to write ours.

The alternative is to be overcome with bitterness, rage, fear, doubt, sadness, unforgiveness and resentment towards what we cannot change. There were times when I chose all of those things, but none have cultivated wholeness and healing. Instead, I have to choose every day to look at what is good, how far we’ve come, how big God is, and remember nothing is impossible with Him or a surprise to Him. I can’t choose how the story ends for others, how the plot, narrative or characters interact. I can only concern myself with….myself.

It’s easy to get caught up in the web of chaos of other people, especially when they are so close to you. But God has given each of us the power to stand firm on His Truth in His Word. This is how we prosper. This is how we become whole and continue to cling to the hope that others choose the same when they see what is possible through hope in Him within us. How can you begin today to take steps towards wholeness and healing in a part of your story you had or have no control of? Ask God to show you how you can let go of the things you shouldn’t be trying to change by your own strength. Step out of others’ webs and allow God to use the broken parts of your story to be used for good, giving glory to God as He shows you how.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭‬‬

Written By: Kari Dickson