By: Tayler Burcham

I rarely, if ever, have had a ‘Mama Bear’ moment. I’m typically even keel to a fault until the day I watched my son standing, ready to compete, and at attention while the National Anthem played. I was so proud and excited to watch him compete, but something bothered me tremendously. Several people chose not to take their hats off during the anthem. I don’t tend to notice this, but today was different. My son just sacrificed having his Dad home for the third time for a deployment! The least that could be done is to acknowledge the sacrifice that not only my husband made, but that child standing up there, made for you to be able to stand here and choose not to take your hat off. The Mama Bear in me was lit, which sent me down a rabbit trail of people’s thoughts on this. I would love for you to join the discussion by sharing a ‘Mama Bear’ moment with us on our Facebook here: ‘Mama Bear’ Moment Post. I encourage you to listen to our three-part series on respecting our flag and prayer.

Here are the three links to each podcast episode in order.

  1. Thriving Together Podcast: Do we respect the National Anthem?
  2. Thriving Together Podcast: Are we praying right?
  3. Thriving Together Podcast: Special Guest Joel Sinclair on a male perspective on both topics