Written By: Mary Martinez

At the start of every New Year, I pray for God to reveal an area He wants me to work on. This year He spoke to my heart and said, “The Word before the world.” God called me to dedicate a specific time each morning to sit in His presence, read His Word, and pray over my family. Although I had already been reading my Bible every day, the Lord convicted my heart and pointed out that I wasn’t putting my time with Him first. He wanted my undivided attention before anything else each day. He called me to abstain from looking at my phone and anything media (the world) related before taking time with Him. His Word before the world. 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) 

Now that we are well into the New Year you may be wondering how it has been going. Well, I’ll be honest, it was challenging at first. There were definitely times I had to fight my flesh and my old habit of grabbing my phone and browsing social media, email, or Pinterest while sipping my morning coffee. Thankfully though, I’ve been quick to remind myself to pause, put down my phone, and grab my Bible instead. (setting a limit for media on my phone has been a great way to keep my time in check). Now that I’ve been creating a new habit of grounding myself in God’s Word, I have been less tempted to even look at my phone. I have a new desire for the Word, and feel more equipped to face the day after filling my mind, heart, and spirit with His truth. 

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11)

If you haven’t set any new faith habits for this year, it’s not too late to pray and seek an area the Lord wants you to grow in or surrender. Just know your flesh will resist, the enemy will attack and try to divert you. Just keep pursuing, keep seeking, and know that God cherishes the time you give and longs for you to know Him more. 

Here are some ideas and things to pray about: 

  • A dedicated time to read and study the Word. 
  • Reading through the whole Bible or New Testament 
  • Dedicated prayer time 
  • Prayer Journaling 
  • Listening only to Christian music or having a dedicated worship time 
  • Fasting (think of things you turn to instead of God, food, media, alcohol, etc.) 
  • Joining a bible study or small group 
  • Praying nightly over your children 
  • Praying daily for your spouse

Written By: Mary Martinez