Written by: Alora Yee

Upon scrolling through Facebook I stumbled upon a post by a heartbroken woman asking if she would ever truly love her husband again. This resonated with me as I myself have asked this exact question once upon a time. 

We have to define biblical love. 

It seems in our flesh, in our circumstances, which sway and change like the waves of the ocean, that loving again would seem improbable. However, God’s love is a choice. God‘s love is so much more than “a” choice, it is God’s choice. Therefore we love because He loved us first. 

I know you’ve heard this before, but it’s true. And God‘s love is never-ending, therefore, when loving as God loves and through God, we will learn to love again. Through God anything is possible. 

There was a time in our marriage when I did not love my husband any longer. I didn’t even feel physically attracted to him and I was deeply concerned about this. I remember asking my mother if there was any hope for the future of our marriage. She told me to be patient and that just like dating with pursuance, hard work, and choosing to love, it would come back. 

It wasn’t the most comforting at the time but this statement proved to be true one day. I remember looking out my kitchen window watching my husband mow the lawn and thinking “wow he is so handsome” at that moment I caught myself realizing what had just taken place in my heart, my mind, my eyes and I cried thanking God that I once again loved my husband the way that I thought wasn’t possible. From the point of such deep pain in my heart to the passed redemption being final I understood the ways of God and even sanctification. He changed my heart! He changed how I loved. 

Marriage is sanctifying. Life is sanctifying. People are sanctifying. Because God works through it all. Let us trust Him with our broken hearts.

“We are given the privilege of actually participating in one of the deepest analogies of Christ’s love for the church. And that is our confidence and assurance in marriage—that our true identity is found in Christ. Many couples get divorced because they didn’t count the cost. And, sadly, many divorces because they look to their spouses or children for their ultimate satisfaction and end up being unfulfilled. Many jump in thinking their spouses’ role is to make them happy, rather than to glorify God.”

— Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary by Aimee Byrd

Dear Lord,

I pray that You would allow me to see my husband as You see him. Show me how to love him the way You love Him and to have grace for him the way You have grace for him.

In Jesus Name,


-If this prayer is a difficult prayer to pray, just know that is exactly why I prayed it. I didn’t know how to do these things on my own and I needed God’s help. I encourage you to pray this and let God move.