Written By: Miranda Tanner

It seems like yesterday you were packing lunches, checking those cute character backpacks for the hundredth time, and posing your kiddos on the front steps for the cutest first-day-of-school pictures ever! Mornings were hectic, but that was life. Days had a pattern, a rhythm, and routine that you clung too.
Stupid COVID.
In a matter of weeks, life was turned upside down for most families. Parents were home, teleworking became a mainstream thing, and for the first time in our generation, places of education shut their doors. Suddenly, you found yourself being one of those weird homeschoolers. We’re really not that weird, I promise.
It’s daunting to come to recognize that it’s on our shoulders to teach and train and direct these little souls we’ve been gifted for such a short time. It’s a power struggle when these little sinful hearts show us our big sinful hearts daily. Your first thought is, ‘No way can I do this. I never even wanted to do this.’ But believe me, sweet momma, you can do this. But better yet, you get to do this!
What if, perhaps, ‘you were born for such a time as this,‘ (Esther 4:14)?
Putting aside all the preconceived notions of homeschooling you’ve had in the past, open your eyes to all the things you get to do now. You get to watch as a struggling reader finally gets it. You get to watch long division become not so hard anymore. You get to watch interest flourish and grow. You get to snuggle and read all the books and play all the games. You get to make messes with glue and glitter. You get to watch them spend time with daddy because, before, those hours between coming home and bedtime were too few. That recipe of your grandma’s you’ve wanted to pass down to your kiddos- you get to teach them how to make that too.
This time we have with our children is limited and to be treasured. We’ll be waving them goodbye when they’re off to college before we know it, and that makes this season of homeschooling, however temporary it is for you, even sweeter. Because you get the opportunity to show your children grace. You get to point them to the Word. You get to help them understand it. You get to show them love, mercy, and patience. You get to show them what it means to apologize when you lose your temper. You get to show them forgiveness.
You get to show them Jesus.
In times like these, when everything is up in the air, and the unknown is scary, we can still be filled with a steadfast and unwavering knowledge that it is all fully known by God. Deuteronomy 31:8 boldly states, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” But how are you to fight discouragement in this new normal? How are we to find rest when it feels like we’re drowning in the unknown?
It’s simple, really.
There’s one place, one perfect beautiful place where all our fears and inadequacies can be laid down. Where our attempt at being the perfect wife, the perfect mother, and now the perfect teacher can be laid bare. A place where we mommas can find peace and rest.
It’s at the feet of Jesus.
Carve out those moments somewhere within your day. We cannot pour from an empty pitcher, so fill your cup first with what is good and right and holy. Get your heart and mind focused on Christ, so you’re ready to face the unknown with courage and with grace.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Written By: Miranda Tanner