Written By: Mary Martinez

Have you ever prayed one of those silly or extreme prayers? One that you didn’t really think would come true or that God would even hear or take into consideration? One that looking back, you laugh at or maybe even say, “What was I thinking?”

Here is how my prayer went, “Lord, I feel content with our family, but if we are supposed to have more children, I want a girl. I love my three boys dearly, but I really don’t want to do this all over again if it is another boy. If we are to get pregnant again, please let it be a girl. Amen.” Sounds a little selfish, right? Incredibly! It was a foolish and silly thing to petition God. Truthfully, I didn’t think it would happen or that my prayer was worth anything. It was just one of those prayers I said in my mind as my husband and I discussed whether we desired more children.

Well, God certainly has a sense of humor; I’m sure of it. About a month after my husband returned home from a three-month deployment, we found out that we were unexpectedly expecting. Let’s be honest; my initial reaction wasn’t of excitement or joy; it was more like denial with a dash of fear. How could this be? We weren’t planning this! We were content! We were done! I didn’t even feel the longing for another baby. You know, that deep yearn you get when you hold someone else’s baby? I can’t do this if it is another boy! I really wanted to feel blessed and happy, but I just didn’t know how to feel. I needed time to process it all and allow God to work in my heart.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.” (Psalm 127:3)

We found out the gender of our little one early through a blood test. I was so nervous when we got the results. What was it going to be? To my surprise, the results read GIRL! What? A little girl!?! I immediately went to the Lord, “God! My prayer was so selfish! I don’t know why You’ve chosen to answer this prayer, but I am so grateful You did. You truly care about the desires of my heart, even when they are presented in one of those silly prayers I’ve prayed.” Over time my feelings of fear and disbelief have turned into pure excitement and joy. I know that every good and wonderful gift is from above. Of course, I know I would have desired and loved this baby just the same if it was a boy. It’s just the simple truth that God hears us, knows our heart’s desire, and cares for us. He knew our family was missing a piece even though we didn’t.

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of
him.” (1 Samuel 1:27)

What are those hidden desires of your heart? Present them to God. God isn’t surprised or caught off guard by our prayers. He will answer our prayers in accordance with His perfect will, so go ahead and ask Him. Just be careful what you ask for, you may end up with a bigger blessing than you have ever imagined.

Written By: Mary Martinez